Actually, she didn't play Weezy on The Jeffersons. Isabel Sanford played Weezy.
Ms. Dubois did, however, co-write and sing "Movin' On Up," the theme song for The Jeffersons. What a catchy tune! It'll cheer just about anybody up.
she was very active in the 1970's then kind of faded away.
i remember her mostly as "weezy" on 'the jeffersons' but she also played the mother 'mrs.
evans' on 'good times'.
Actually, she didn't play Weezy on The Jeffersons. Isabel Sanford played Weezy.
Ms. Dubois did, however, co-write and sing "Movin' On Up," the theme song for The Jeffersons. What a catchy tune! It'll cheer just about anybody up.
someone has uploaded both episodes to google drive.
Jehalapeno: You seem to be more concerned about a major corporation's copyrights than the good the widespread distribution of these documentaries will do. Why is that? If the unauthorized downloads offend you, don't download them. Simple. You can then watch them however and whenever you can, if you choose to do so.
The way I see it, Oxygen broadcasted the shows to as wide an audience as possible. Shouldn't be a problem if people want to help them further distribute them, especially if they still include the commercials that financed them to start with. No difference between that and recording it for later viewing on your own DVR and inviting a friend over to watch it with you. Not everybody has a DVR. That said, I do agree it would be wrong to charge anyone to download or view an unauthorized copy. That would be selling a product you do not own or have any right to sell.
Let me get this straight: this person is known to have committed several murders before his baptism, but he is obviously repentant so is good to go. But, he smoked some weed after his baptism, so he must be questioned and punished accordingly. For smoking weed. But not for the multiple murders he committed in the past. Are you kidding me???
Personally, I think penitent-clergy confidentiality is a crock of crap. Ok, maybe it could pass the sniff test if it only applied to "sins" that did not involve any unwilling participants. Fine. But it should not apply to any type of mandatorily reported crime, especially if it involved violence or sexual abuse against anyone, child or not. No one should be allowed to hide behind religion to avoid the consequences of crimes against others.
"when someone is disfellowshipped from the religion, normal family relations continue, with the exception of spiritual fellowship.”a watchtower lawyer clears up this common misunderstanding:. .
The WT is deliberately trying to deceive the Court when they say crap like that. If called up about it, they say, "When we say family, we are only referring to those who live in the same home. We weren't including other relatives."
Here is what their actual policy is. It speaks for itself.
WT 11/15/52 p. 703
Questions From Readers
In the case of where a father or mother or son or daughter is disfellowshiped, how should such person be treated by members of the family in their family relationship?—P. C., Ontario, Canada.
God’s law does not allow a marriage partner to dismiss his mate because his mate becomes disfellowshiped or apostatizes.
(And then further down…)
The marriage partner would render the marriage dues according to the law of the land and in due payment for all material benefits bestowed and accepted
someone has uploaded both episodes to google drive.
Google Drive download warns that this file is too large for them to check for viruses, but I downloaded it to my MacBook Pro without any problems and it seems to be working fine. No indications of any virus.
Thanks for whoever created the file and posted the link. I'm sure lots of people who couldn't watch it otherwise appreciate it as well.
i just had this flashback when commenting on another thread about how they used to announce reproof or dfing from the platform.
at least in our congregation, it was a dramatic event (this is what i can remember from back in the mid-late 60's or early 70's when i was a kid).. at the end of the service meeting, just before singing the final song, the brother would announce, "we have a letter that must be read.
the "congregation servant" (my grandfather or later my father) would then slowly walk from the back of the kh to the platform.
I was raised as a JW from infancy and clearly remember how things were and the many changes between, say, the late 50's and about 2000, when I left.
I know for a fact that they used to announce the reasons for disfellowshipping, ie., "Joe Blow has been disfellowshipped for adultery." But I never heard them announce any further details or anything about specific restrictions or the like.
Probably due to lawsuits for defamation, sometime in the 70's or thereabouts they changed the announcement to "Joe Blow has been disfellowshipped for conduct unbecoming a Christian." Later, they changed it yet again to the current, "Joe Blow is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses."
I remember one time when two disfellowshippings announced on the same night. Two young people of the opposite sex. Knowing people would naturally jump to the obvious conclusion, the elder did have the decency to further announce that the two actions were unrelated.
Pretty soon after a DF or DA is announced, they have a local needs talk which pretty much reveals what was going on. Of course, by then most everyone knows anyway because of the inevitable gossip.
after at least 8 excrement findings, police in massachusetts finally caught this woman who would poop in a parking lot and leave her crap as well as some tissues.
i just thought you should know about this 💩.
Is that piece of excrement (or the donor thereof) wearing a chador? Has he/she/it no shame? That's just plain nasty. Dubious claims about cultural norms are no excuse. Even it that kind of behavior was the "norm" back home, he/she/it ain't there anymore!
editorial: reproductive rights are human rights.
lorie shaull.
Thanks for posting this, Barbara. I didn't know she was raised a JW, nor whether she ever considered herself one. I do know she later reversed her position on abortion.
are any of you aware of this new documentary that is coming out in february?.
Thanks for posting this! I put a reminder on my iPhone Calendar to remind me. I'm gonna set up my DVR to record it as soon as the date is in range.
The more people that see this, the better. It's about time ALL religions were put on notice that pedophiles will no longer be able to find behind their facade. Apparently, the most effective ways of doing this are public exposure and monetary penalties. Nothing gets action quicker than hitting them in their wallets.
i appreciate all my friends who stop to read what i write and post.
you help me more than you know simply by being there as a sense of 'family of friends' for me to talk to and 'share' thoughts with.i guess if i didn't have stories left to tell or people to listen, i could pack it in and join elon musk in a colony on mars.january 15, 2020. .
which world is this?_________________when the doctor pulled my screaming body out of mom all those 7 decades ago, i landed in a post-wwii was--compared to today's world--an alien planet.the world i live in today has nothing in common with the world in which i grew up.there were no cell phones back then--there were black telephones with a dial-tone and an operator who placed your call.everywhere you found telephone booths!
Happy Birthday, Terry! I'm only about 5 years behind you, and remember many of the same things you wax so eloquently about.
I always enjoy your posts, although I have to admit some of them above this Georgia boy's learnin' and a bit hard for me to follow. Oh well, the crow stories are always interesting...
Keep up the good work! Looking forward to your next collection of musings...